...adds up to a day, day by day turns into a life. |
It's in each moment that we live. Right now you are in the most important time of your life. Not when you're 'dreams come true', not when you find the 'love of your life'. It's right now that matters most.
So what are you doing?, dumb question Kate, you're reading my blog. But when you're done reading it, maybe you'll make a cup of tea. Make that tea with grace and care, pause and sip it with reverence - appreciate the moment. Maybe you're off to work - in which case be 100% present, focused and alert, do the best job you can.
To live well each moment rather than just exist,
never complain. To complain is to negate hope and faith - two of the most intrinsic ingredients in a happy life. Divaldo Pereira, one of the leading mediums and spiritualist speakers of our times says most stridently
"Do not complain!, nor list to ingratitude. The ungrateful person knows that he is so. When sorrowful, he punishes himself and when unhappy, he torments himself".
Face and accept what is, right now, live now, minute by minute you will manifest a reverential life - glorious in it's simplicity and joy.
I desire a lap pool of my own, by hey a blow-up in a back-yard is total fun too!