Sunday, February 20, 2011

divine time

most of us want what we want NOW!
i do, i'm a foot stomping brat. we want to take a pill and be healed, do a course and be a specialist, meet someone and get married. forget noodles, we want instant 'perfect life!'.

but we don't thrive on it - magic take time to make and bake and be born.

after chilling for four weeks in phuket i'm back in the city clinging by my fingernails to the peaceful pace i found over there - the sense of everything happens in it's own divine time.

the alternative is to force the situation to happen NOW, thereby creating drama and chaos, accumulating stress which makes life tougher (and makes you look crap) (that alone is enough to make me cry halt!).

so please can we slow down the pace, drive in a relaxed manner, pause and commune with our neighbours, listen in a conversation not just wait to speak. can we allow a week for an email response, a year to get in shape and let our children be kids til they're not.

we'll look better for it!