Monday, April 11, 2011

please take care

last night i went to birthday drinks at a hip little happening winebar. everything was perfect, model birthday girl sexy, her man a delight, her friends very pleasant, mostly new to me - and the women present were skinny as skinny can be. personality shone through lighting up their dull eyes on only a few occasions throughout the evening, their arms were toneless and their skin dry - they looked like they were starving.

not all of the birthday girls women friends there were models. but they all were as skinny as each other.

in the media we don't see the nasty side of starving, make-up and lightening fix all on a shoot and after retouching the images we see are flawless.

when i was starving this is what it was like:
i’d think - ‘eat as little as possible’
I couldn’t be bothered exercising - didn’t feel like it, (didn’t have the energy), and didn't really think i needed to - cause i wasn’t fat.
my concentration wasn’t good, I found it hard to read
I’d sleep ALOT
i never felt happy with my body, there was always somewhere else that could be slimmer
i never felt very happy, or light and content, or comfortable

if this is you - take care - please trust that you can be beautiful, elegant, charming, intelligent and healthy.

you can do this by caring for yourself as if you were a new born baby. if you had a new baby wouldn’t you want to feed it the very best food and make sure you were doing all that you could to make it happy?

pls take care