Wednesday, September 2, 2009



As we do on the ground, so we do in the air - Exercise, relaxation and conscious breathing are our keys to long-haul success.

Cabin air pressure is lower than in our normal lives. This isn’t necessarily a problem but it means less oxygen, and when you add some level of dehydration and lack of available movement, health issues may arise.

The most serious is lack of blood circulation, with the veins in our lower legs the most vulnerable. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the swelling of veins leading to clotting with nasty outcomes. There is no way around it, exercise is vital when flying.

Keep the area around your legs and feet free of luggage. Whenever you remember jiggle your legs as if quickly jogging on your toes, rotate, point and flex your feet. Every 1-2 hours take a short walk, stretch your calf muscles the way we often see joggers doing, shake your legs and feet out vigorously.

Air travel can be stressful. To release body tension and increase circulation, contract every single muscle in your body, then release with a sigh through your mouth. Sighing is our natural stress release and has the added benefit of being accompanied by a good deep inhalation.

Which bring us to the last part of our in-flight wellness routine: ‘Conscious’ breathing increases oxygen in our systems and promotes peace of mind. Sit comfortably with eyes closed and jaw relaxed. Concentrate on your breath, your connection to life.

Once at your destination, take yourself for a long, brisk walk.

Bon voyage!

Monday, August 24, 2009


“shoulders back, stand up straight”

“Shoulders back, stand up straight” my father intoned throughout my childhood. Modelling came along in my teens (where I wished I were taller than 5ft, 8 inches), as did yoga and the discovery of my vertebral column being literally the backbone of yoga asanas/positions.

Standing tall and straight says more about a persons’ confidence and personal power then anything else; And what about that weird fact that we shrink as we get older. It’s interesting that our spines are at their longest upon waking.

The subject of how our nerves all connect to our spines and what this means to our nervous system is a massive book filling subject. Suffice to say nerves/nervous system, healthy spine=low stress levels. Cool, calm minds create wise thoughts and positive actions.

All that just by standing up straight!, no wonder dad went on about it.

Get into a habit of the very first thing you do when you hop out of bed, is to stand with your back against the wall and relax.

Stand with your feet hip width apart. Engage your abdomen by rolling your pelvis forward a little. Allow your shoulders to broaden and draw your chin in a touch. Relax your jaw and breath through your nose, take three conscious breaths.

Go forth and conquer!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

healthy happenings

I’ve been putting off posting my very first blog. I find it scary to lay myelf bare to the world, well cyberspace at least. So taking a long deep breath, “Let’s begin, welcome, namaste/I bow to the divine within you”.

My plan is to contribute on ‘healthy happenings’ and be a voice of reason for my parallel worlds of 22 years: modelling and wholistic therapies

Elizabeth Brown, a beautiful indigenous friend of mine once said
"that's all that we are, all we have is to give”

I give you all that I am.