Welcome to my new years resolution – a blog update each week.
The end of 2009 brought grandkids to one of my dear clients’ home. With great respect I observed their unwavering patience as two year old Cloe joined our morning yoga sessions, bringing with her a myriad of musical toys, endless “whys” and that sweetest cheeky-joy children are filled with.
True yoga was practised as we continually brought the focus back to our positions and our attention back to our breath. The disruptions a joy-filled two year old brings, required we deepen our commitment to our practise and though challenging, I’m quite sure there wasn’t a happier downward facing dog pose being practised in Sydney each morning.
Led by witnessing the endless warmth of Mr and Mrs D’s love shown to their grandchildren, I embraced the challenge of teaching these sessions and was experientially reminded that in the path to serenity, acceptance and patience are essential.