find a private, silent place. lie on your back and close your eyes.
relax your jaw, let all expression leave your face.
feel where the back of your body connects with the ground - the back of your head resting, the back of your shoulders and upper back, both arms and backs of your hands.
feel your bottom and backs of your legs, your heels - feel both feet fall easily out to each side.
allow your whole body to melt onto the ground.
now bring to mind a jelly-fish, yup, a jelly-fish. in your minds-eye see how it moves through water, fluid pulsing in slow motion...
with your mouth lightly closed, breath through your nose visualizing your languid jelly-fish doing it's thing.
notice your easy natural breath freely moving in and out of your body. feel yourself relaxing.
try this fast-track to relaxation, then call me weird...or not.