Saturday, May 19, 2012

lead by example

we all know that we can't change people. even when our intention is good, when all we want for our loved ones is to be their best - ultimately it's up to them to desire change and to find it all out for themselves

as the great Mahatma Gandhi says 
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world"

we must lead by example; we must parent well - opening our minds and hearts to infinite and extrordinary ways to positively live (we must aunty and uncle just as well!)
we must share our good fortune and be of service to the power of good. 
we must be good listeners as friends go through their self-discovery process
we must strive to be happy and learn to thrive
for it's all in our hands

as the little hand said to the big hand 
"I'll follow your lead"