Sunday, June 3, 2012

self compassion

that makes me 19 in this pic. i have a weirdy feeling looking at this little person; my heart moves towards her. 

i think it's good to look back over past images of yourself. i find it helps me gain perspective on who i am now and to better understand who i was then. it's so bizzare to know that this human i am looking at is a completely - on a molecular level, different person to me. nothing in her physical makeup is the same as me now. 

we run around so worried about getting old, about the changes that happen. it's so funny to think that it is THE only definite thing in our existance - we change, completely, every 3-6 weeks our entire anatomical being has regenerated new cells and we are different.

so get used to it!

look with kind eyes at the you's that have been. let them tell you your story and remember yourself. gratefully accept the exquistely youthful, innocent gifts your past you's share. it will heal your heart and expand your self compassion.