Friday, December 3, 2010


wow! just spent a couple of hours in the company of two very beautiful positive women, nutting out a concept for a future collaborative venture - what a buzz!

empowered and motivated i've raced home, and after a qwik kitchen whip-a-round grilling organic chicken and steaming leek for dinner, i've jumped on-line to blog.

i've realized that i shine when i have a little project boiling away (not being a kitchen kinda-girl, i don't get my creative rocks off in the kitchen, for me grilled chicken and leek, grilled fish and veges and salads are the extent of my culinary skill). but i like to create stuff, always have. i make birthday cards, i write, i re-fashion clothes, you get the picture. i love to create with creative people. a couple of weeks ago, i had the enviable opportunity to work yet again with an incredibly creative 'sound explorer' karim sai of caravan.

it's like creativity is the v-power in your everyday life. without our dreams and endeavors, life seems a little dull. in the prose poem desiderata it says:

" Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time".

i take the use of the word 'career' to mean individual 'gifts' or hobbies, not just work or your job.

we all have interests in different areas, we all have individual skills that when practised not only grow into expertise but in the doing of them we find happiness, contentment, life outside of time, a very human expression of being. no other being on the planet can create as we can, dream into being.

everything you see around you has been dreamed into being. thought about, figured out, acted upon and physically created.

for utopia on earth we can together create; weave some dreams, live your life in it's most beautiful expression.