Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the power to say no

if you're an australian reading this you're probably aware of the sexual harassment case - a young woman suing her boss, that's about to go to court.

the way i live is to try and learn lessons from all ‘happenings’. from an injured leg to a tsunami, i see them as opportunities for spiritual growth, personal freedom, a better world. i try to remove judgment and with an open heart and mind come to understand what the 'happening' has to teach me.

this case has made me realize that it is australian law that the onus is on the perpetrator to gage the response of the other person as to whether or not what they have said or done is inappropriate. this means that it’s up to the person who is experiencing the act to SAY SOMETHING. i have never felt i could.

some people are way cooler than me, they are witty, confident even blaze with their message of “back off”. in the same situation i am horrified. it freezes me and i end up going along with it all, afterwards feeling small and dumb.

this ‘happening’ for me was revelatory. i MUST perk up and voice my feelings even if at first it comes out all wrong, i’ll get better. the responsibility is on me as it is on all of us, to create a more cohesive world.

the situation may not call for intervention from other parties, all it calls for is the power to say no.