Monday, April 16, 2012

wake up!

people around me seem to be waking up

every day someone tells me how they've just realized what a wonderful life they're having, or even if it's raining, what a beautiful day it is. i'm getting how thankful they are for the many gifts they're experiencing and how suddenly they're seeing the signs of what's really going on.

how we see the world at large is how we experience our own little lives.
if we're having a crap time then so too is the world around us - we'll happily go along with nightly bad news if our mind-set is dull and hopeless.

we are a group expression

in the words of MOOJI
"The human being is an expression of consciousness, a display of consciousness"

open your eyes to really see what's in front of them
see the actions of others and if they're doing crappy things that are purely self profiting and bring pain to others - let these stinkers know - wake them up!

but see also the beauty of life for it is all around us every second