Wednesday, October 17, 2012

when you feel down, look up

This morning discussing sickness with one of my lovely fellow yogis, I said my response is to pull the roller-door down and disappear 'til it's over. She said that wasn't her way because our minds play tricks on us especially when we're sick, telling us we're not that great and our life is crap.

And I thought "she's right". We're more vulnerable when we're not in tip-top shape and we can slip easily into a self-made quagmire of suffering. It made me question how often do I do that?

In his latest book, "Shigeaki Hinohara, 100 Years Old." says 
"We can endure any sufferings if we always have an attitude to walk looking up".

That line is like another my dear friend Simon told me one time,
"When you feel down, look up"


Having control of our minds is everything. And control of our minds towards suffering is The most important skill to strive for.

I'm striving. Attemping to do a better job of being myself helps everyone around me. We are all part of this beautiful puzzle called life, we can all fit together if we try.